As a retired military I could have been exempt from the firearms handling portion but after a friend explained what Tim was training I opted to attend with my wife and friend. This is an AWESOME... read more...
I have done business with Tim and expected a lot from his class. He surpassed my expectations. I'm a FFL and talk to a lot of people giving and taking classes. Tim covered both the legal and... read more...
My wife and I not only learned a great deal, but also thoroughly enjoyed Tim's teaching at Citizens Tactical Unit. Tim's experience and knowledge were evident and it was presented in a way that not... read more...
I would recommend this class to everyone. I grew up with guns. My dad taught me how to shoot and hunt. I learned more in 16 hours of training in this class than I knowing my whole life. This has been... read more...
CONCEALED CARRY, Illinois, Iowa, Florida, Utah, Concealed Carry Illinois, Chicago, Quad Cities, Moline, IL., Rock Island, IL., Rock Falls, IL., Peoria, IL., Davenport, IA.,
Citizens Tactical Unit
- Firearms Training Academy -
- FFL -
Investigative Services Agency License #117-000961, Copyright ©2014
© 2015 Citizens Tactical Unit - Firearms Training Academy, All Rights Reserved.
A 16 hour training course must, at a minimum, cover the following topics:
Requirements provided by the Illinois State Police
Here's an abbreviated list of topics covered by CTU that go above and beyond the state requirements:
(The state requirements are also listed in the above tab)